Wake Technical Community College Mechanical Equip Replacement Raleigh NC



Bidding Closed

Bid Date11/28/22 12:00pm




Multiple Locations, Raleigh, NC 27603 US

SCOPE OF WORK:  This project will replace electric heating coils in the 7 air handlers serving buildings K and L at WTCC South Campus as well as new boilers and chiller to serve both buildings and all controls and electrical work associated with the new systems. In addition, building K shall receive full lighting upgrades and a new natural gas back-up generator.

General scope of work includes: The installation of new boilers with associated pumps and hot water piping distribution to serve Buildings SK and SL as well as associated controls and electrical work. The project also includes the replacement of electric coils in the air handling unit at Building SK and the six air handling units at Building SL. The addition of a new office on the ground floor of Building SK. A new natural gas generator to serve as 100% back-up electrical power to building SK. As well asthe replacement of a 119-gallon domestic water heater at Building SL. The project also includes alternates to replace the electric re-heat terminal units on the first floor of SK during the period of June 1, 2023, to July 15, 2023. The installation of a third boiler in Building SK.The replacement of electric water coolers, lavatory faucets, and mop sink faucets in Buildings SK and SL. And the replacement of the electric re-heat terminal units on the first floor of SK during the period of May 1, 2023, to July 15, 2023.